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From I-44 at Rolla, Missouri, go S on Hwy 72 to Salem, then east on 32/72 to Hwy "KK".
South on "KK" to "J", then east on "J" for 6 miles.
From St Louis, go S on I-55 to 67 S. Follow 67S to Farmington, MO, then go S on "221" for 8.4 miles. "221" will turn to the left, you will continue straight onto "NN"
Follow "NN" for 5 miles you will come to stop sign go straight onto "N" follow for 6 miles then take 21N for 1/5th mile to "N" hwy. Follow "N" hwy 19 miles to 21/72 junction. Go right on 21/72 for 1/5th of a mile to Hwy 49N.Go N on 49 for 3.5 miles to "J" hwy Hwy, then stay on "J" to Valley Springs Foxtrotters.

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